
A Thirsty Soul

The past few days have been very hectic & really busy for me. I am on leadership in the Mom's Ministry at my church as every year we give the moms who participated all year in our program a Tea. It was a beautiful morning, but there were hours of planning and work that went on behind the scenes. There were meetings to go to, reservation lists and childcare lists to maintain and there were little things like name tags & bookmarks to make. These seemed little until it was time to make and complete everything and then I realized how many hours it would take to finish it all. But we all did it and it is over now!

In the midst of all the preparations and meetings there were a few mornings recently when I did not get my full quiet time in. Maybe all I had time for was to pray a short prayer or read a chapter of scripture. But it wasn't the full time that I am used to.

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you..." (Psalm 63:1)

Because of the habit of getting up early and spending concentrated time in prayer and study, when that couldn't happen I could feel it. I missed it, I was getting spiritually dehydrated. I longed to spend more than 10 minutes in prayer & meditation of His Word.

"I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory." (Ps 63:2)

I have experienced the power and glory of my God. I have experienced him in the sanctuary of my solitude and silence. It is a marvelous thing and one that I want to experience over and over again. It gives me a glimpse into the wonder of Heaven. When I miss out on my time with him, I miss out on experiencing his power and glory. Of course, He can still speak to me out of that sanctuary of silence I have in the mornings, he has many times. But that time set aside for Him at the beginning of my day always prove to be the sweetest time for He and I to communicate.

Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands." (Ps 63:3,4)

When you see God do great things in your life...don't keep it to yourself! Share it with someone. Praise him! When you experience his love & goodness you are getting a taste of God and what eternity will be like with Him. His love is better than sustains and renews us.

My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you." (Ps 63:5)

There is an empty place in our heart that only God can fill. We can read all of the best books by the best authors, go hear all of the best preachers, but they cannot fill the void and empty place that God can fill. When we come to Him, praising Him for his love, repenting of our sin, acknowledging that He alone is God and believing that His son, Jesus Christ died for YOUR sins, your soul is satisfied. You can do nothing else, but praise Him because you are in awe of His love for you..the filthy sinner.

I had the best time with the Lord this morning. My soul was thirsty and he nourished and renewed me.

Are you thirsty?

Drink of His love and goodness. He has so much that he wants to pour into your soul.

Picture compliments of Liquid Sculpture

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