
19 years ago today...

19 years ago today I was getting a manicure, packing my suitcase & getting my things ready to go to the church for my wedding. I was a very young 18 year old girl, madly in love with a 21 year old man.

Looking back, I can't believe we married so early. It was all the Lord though because neither one of us were looking to get married that early. God is so good & faithful.

The past 19 years has brought many many good times & it's own fair share of difficult times too. We have been blessed with 10 children. We never dreamed God would allow us so many. We thought maybe 5 or 6, but He doubly blessed us!

He has strengthened our faith over the years through various trials that have in turn also strengthened our marriage. As we have grown closer to the Lord, we have grown closer to each other. With each turn in the road we have seen his hand in our life as He is working to draw us into a more intimate relationship with him. Our marriage here on earth is such a great picture of our heavenly marriage with Jesus Christ our bridegroom.

Scott is such an amazing man. I could not have dreamed up a better husband and father than him. He has kept our family going through extremely difficult circumstances. When the bank account is empty and there is nothing he can do he is on his knees seeking the Lord's direction.

When our children have rebelled, Scott is up early in the morning seeking the Lord for answers and strength to not strangle the rebellious one. :o) He is so good at sitting back and observing our children, learning their bent & strengths. He parents according to their personalities and wins their heart everytime. His children respect and honor him.

I call him the fun one in the house. If is were not for him, I don't think we would ever have fun. He is spontaneous where I have to plan everything out.

He is still very romantic, he likes telling others that our honeymoon isn't over. He takes me out every Monday night for dinner and just a time of relaxing discussion with no kids to interrupt.

He has a passion for the Lord and the scriptures that inspires me daily. He gets so excited when the Lord reveals new truths to him and I love it when he shares that with me. He loves meeting with other fathers and encouraging them in their walk with the Lord.

Today on our anniversary, he is at Children's Camp with our church. They needed another man to go, so he went. He is hanging out with 10 4th grade boys in the 100 degree Texas heat. He just sent me a text telling me he loves me & is getting a killer tan. :o) I miss him while he is gone, but he is there being available to the Lord to be used in those young boys lives. We are praying that at least one will trust Christ as his Savior and that Scott can be the one who prays with him.

Happy Anniversary Babe! Hoping for 19 more years...at least.

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