
Achieving Real Joy

A. W. Tozer, suggested several ways for the believer to achieve real joy:

1. Cultivate a genuine friendship with God. He is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother.

2.Take time to exercise yourself daily unto godliness. Vow never to be dishonest about sin in your life, never to defend yourself, never to own anything (or let anything own you), never to pass on anything hurtful about others, never to take any glory to yourself.

3. No known sin must be allowed to remain in your life. “Keep short accounts with God”—never allow unconfessed sins to pile up in your life.

4. Set out to build your own value system based on the Word of God. Meditate on the Word; practice the presence of God. Set priorities as you realize what is truly important. It will be reflected in the standard of values you set for yourself.

5. Share your spiritual discoveries with others.

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