
Eat This Book!

A few years ago a dear friend shared with me a link to a blog. I was blown away by this authors words and how they flowed like a smooth flowing river. Her words were so nourishing and honest. Her blog has grown in popularity, but her writings are still as poignant as ever. One of her latest posts I thought was definitely worth passing on & maybe it is an introduction to this blog.

In her post she shares more about her family and a daily habit they have of reading the Bible together as a family 3 times a day after each meal. I thought of my own family and how busy we are, usually rushing through a meal so we can get onto the next appointment or activity. This family, however takes time each day to slow down and chew on the words of the Lord. She has helpful tips on how you also can "Eat this book". I pray you enjoy & are blessed by Ann's words.

Read her post at Holy Experience by Ann Voskamp

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