
Recommended Courses for High School

It is that time of year when we are planning for the next school year. If you have a child in Jr High or going into High school, you are about to walk into new territory if it is your first time.

I have found a website that has helped me as I plan what my high school kids need to do in their last few years of school. Home Scholar is a very useful site that I encourage you to wander around on.

Here is an article she wrote to help you know what courses your high school kids will need.

One of the key convictions of homeschooling is that parents know the best way to educate their children. A parent's knowledge about their student's learning style can help them in selecting the courses they should take in high school. Homeschooling in high school is very efficient and there is time to give your children an education that has breadth and depth. Here is a list of recommended courses to take in high school. Courses that colleges look for in their applicants. As you read it, think about how you can incorporate these subjects into your homeschool.

To read the rest of Lee Binz article go to Home Scholar. com

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