
Thankful for unusual provision

Today is Monday.
Yesterday, I was dreading Monday. No real reason, I guess just because it is the start of another uncertain week. Our life feels pretty uncertain these days.
The Lord reminded me of one of my favorite verses this morning and I kept it before me all day. What a blessing it was to me.

Lamentations 3:22, "Because of the LORD's great love, we are not consumed."

I have felt a bit consumed lately which is a result of not trusting in the Lord's love for me. Scott's business is slowly beginning to pick up a little, but he doesn't get paid until the deal has closed and is funded. That will not happen until the end of this month, maybe. So in the mean time we just live day to day, moment by moment, remembering that because of the Lord's great love for us, we are not consumed.

Just when I begin to feel consumed and overwhelmed, the Lord tosses in a little blessing that serves as a reminder that he has not forgotten about us.

I am working to prepare for our new school year. I can't afford to buy any curriculum so I am trying to be very resourceful and creative. I had just about figured out what I could do for most everyone, but would still need to purchase a few things, mainly for Sarah. She will be in 11th grade this year.

Scott & the boys were working at a rent house today. The tenants moved out suddenly so Scott & the boys went to mow & clean things up. Well, the people trashed the house & left all kinds of junk. But one thing they left was school materials. Very strange. Scott boxed it up & brought it home. This has been one of the perks of being a property manager, tenants often leave furniture or other things behind & we get to keep it. Anyway, he brings these 2 boxes in, it is dusty & messy. Sarah starts going through one of the boxes & finds a grade 11 Science curriculum. The same one we were going to buy. It had a few markings in the workbook, but not many. YAHOO! One less thing to buy for her. That saved us over $50.00.

I continued to go through the other box and found random workbooks that I couldn't use, but were not marked in. Tonight, we took them to Half-Price Books to see if they would buy them. While the buyer was going through the books, I found a history book I needed for Sarah, practically brand new! It was $7.98. They called my name to say that they had a total amount they would buy my books. "I can give you $8.00 for your books, Mrs. Bailey" YAHOO! Just the amount I needed to buy the history book.

2 school curriculum's provided by tenants who moved out in the middle of the night. God has an odd way of providing for us, but who are we to argue with his methods.

Oh Holy God, how thankful I am for your unusual ways of providing for us. You are a God of uniqueness and originality and you delight in providing a way for us. May we keep our eyes on you and not forget your love and faithfulness to us. You are able to do more than we could ever ask or imagine. Praise Your Name!


  1. Oh Dana, This story moved me so much. I'm so thankful for His mysterious reminders of love for me when I'm doubting Him. I can't tell you how often I've prayed, "Lord, I me overcome my unbelief!" Thank You, Lord, for reminding Dana, and help us to remember this when we're doubting.

  2. I absolutely LOVE your blog design. It is very soothing, easy to read and simply beautiful. Someone else designed mine, and I LOVE IT, but now that simple is in, I don't know how to change it! :D It will be great for you to learn and be able to change with the trends.


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