
Creating Space for God

As mothers, we are used to fighting for time for ourselves.  But, do you fight for time with God?  How much trouble do you go to so that you can spend time with Him in prayer & Bible Study?

I heard a guy talking about his father on the radio one morning.  He was describing to the audience of how important it was to his father to spend time alone with the Lord.  He explained that his father would dismiss himself every night about 9 o'clock to go to bed, so that he would be rested enough to get up early the next morning for his quiet time.  I thought that was great!  I know what you are thinking!  He is a man, he is not the one putting the kids to bed, making lunches for the nest day of school or trying to get that last load of laundry folded & put away.  His commitment is what I admire.  He knew what he had to do so that he was ready to spend time alone with God & he did it.

I have written about this before, but if you truly want that time with the Lord, pray and ask him to show you how & where & when.  He will show you.  Once he shows you & you are able to establish a great new habit, you now need a plan.
I recently was sent a link to a website of a fantastic woman who is passionate about helping others develop a meaningful quiet time.  Catherine Martin of Quiet Time Ministries is an author & speaker.  Visit her site!  You will be blessed.  Sign up for her "7 Days to Energize Your Quiet time"  In Day 4, she advises you to make a plan, & this is what she shared...

Henri Nouwen made a very important statement that offers an incredible perspective for your relationship with the Lord. Henri Nouwen defines discipline as the effort to "create some space in which God can act. Discipline means to prevent everything in your life from being filled up. Discipline means that somewhere you're not occupied, and certainly not preoccupied. In the spiritual life, discipline means to create that space in which something can happen that you hadn't planned or counted on."

What discipline will help you create that space? The discipline of a plan - a very simple plan for your quiet time. The Lord gave me this plan many years ago and it has been incredible in helping me to draw near to God. You can remember it according to the acrostic: P.R.A.Y.E.R.:

Prepare Your Heart

Read And Study God's Word

Adore God In Prayer

Yield Yourself To God

Enjoy His Presence

Rest In His Love

Prepare Your Heart is necessary at the beginning of your quiet time. It allows you to turn your eyes upon Jesus as the hymn goes. There are many ways to prepare your heart including reading a devotional or a psalm. Then Read And Study God's Word to hear God speak to you. Adore God In Prayer and respond to what you have heard Him say. Then Yield Yourself To God as a response to what you have learned in His Word. Enjoy His Presence and take all you have experienced in your quiet time throughout the day. Then take God's promise and Rest In His Love. 

Establishing a good habit of drawing away & spending time with the Lord won't happen magically, we must be disciplined with our time & priorities.  But it will happen, just don't give up.  Your life is at stake here & the lives of your family.

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