
That They will Trust in You

Lord God,
I come before you lifting up my children.  I want so badly for them to trust you with ALL their heart.(Prov.3:5)  I want them to be passionate about you.  I pray that they will not lean on their understanding but will acknowledge you in all their ways(Prov.3:5).  I want them to learn early that their ways will surely bring them failure and disappointment, but it is your ways that will bring life and joy.  I want them to learn that when they trust in you, you will direct their paths, you will guide them and that they will be satisfied and fulfilled with your love for them.(Prov.3:6)  Protect them from the wicked ways that may stray them from you and bring them back when they do stray away.  I pray that they are able to shun evil and bring honor and glory to you.(Prov.3:7-9)  I pray all this in your trusted & blessed name.


  1. I love this prayer.
    Thanks for sending me your blog address. I added to my growing list of blog links today. :)

    ~ Dionna Sanchez


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