
Our Little Trouble Maker...Samuel

Samuel Addison is our youngest.  We call him "Samo" sometimes.

Sam is every bit of 3 years old & more.

One minute I am hugging & kissing on his sweet little cheeks & the next minute I am pulling him off the counters & out of my sugar or flour tubs or find him sneaking into his sister’s purse looking for gum.  He is trouble with a capital T, but melts my heart every time he comes to me saying, “Hold you, Mommy”

Tomorrow I will wake up & he will be 16 & not have much time for me anymore.  Almost makes me not want to go to sleep.

My daughter Sarah is the photographer of these pictures & Picnik was used to create the collage.

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  1. Love your photos and also your tender words.....parenting little ones seems to disappear very quickly. You are wise to savor those times! Blessings, Susan

  2. Thank you Susan!
    I told a friend the other day that having teenage kids has really made me cherish my time with my little ones even more. I know how quickly time passes & then, they are grown & gone.

  3. ADORABLE! Time does fly. Love the [hto layout. Your post reminds me of "No More Oatmeal Kisses" Erma Bombeck http://ow.ly/Ra5w

  4. Thanks Robin. My husband actually did the layout, I just posted it. I think I have read that Erma Bombeck post before. I too have some of her books. I love her humor.


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