
Phonics Freebies using 100 EZ Lessons

Over the years I have found that one of the easiest & pain-free ways to teach my kids to read is to use the book,Teaching Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessonsalso known to other home school moms as the "100 EZ Lessons" book.

But one of my frustrations was that to reinforce what they were learning, they needed to practice the sounds more & practice writing them a lot and there were no resources that were available that I knew about.  We usually just made our own flash cards and then the company came up with some.  Our handwriting practice consisted of me writing it down while they watched and then they copied what I wrote.

This morning, I found a FREE treasure on DonnaYoung.org.  If you have homeschooled very long, you probably know of this site.  This lady has so much on her site that it would take you years to find it all AND she continues to add to it.  It is all FREE, that is the best part.

O'k, what I found was that she has created handwritng pages and other nifty little resources to reinforce the lesson in the book.  It all goes along with the EZ Lessons book.

These pages are PDF downloads & you can save them to your computer to print when you are ready.

Click here to download your own set of pages.

She has a lot of handwriting resources along with forms, lists, calendars & whatever you can think of using for home and school.

Be careful,if you have never visited Donna Young's site before, you could be there all week!  Enjoy!

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  1. Hey Dana,

    I was recently given this book and I can't wait to guide Jillian through it. We'll have to talk so you can give me some insight.

  2. How a 3 Year and 5 Year Old Learned to Read in 4 Months

    I'd like to share with you an interesting case study of how 2 sisters (a 3 year old and a 5 year old) learned to read in just 4 months - both learned to read using the Children Learning Reading program. They attended the summer reading camp operated by the program's creator, Jim Yang.

    Jim has been teaching kids - and teaching parents how to teach their kids - to read for quite some time. During the summer months, he runs a reading camp teaching many children to read. most of the the children he teaches are 4 to 7 years old, with the occasional 3 year old or 8 year olds who are having reading difficulties.

    To complete both stages of the reading camp, it typically takes about 4 months - attending 3 times a week and each session is 1 hour long.

    This case study is about 2 little girls (sisters) that attended the reading camp. When they started (June), the older sister P. S. was 5 years 4 months, and the younger sister A. S. was just 2 years 11 months old. Probably most reading teachers would not even consider working with a 2 year old - since when can a 2 year old learn to read!?!

    Well, no problem for Jim, as he had taught all of his own children to read by age 3. So when their mom asked if she could bring her almost 3 year old, Jim said: "sure, why not? I'll have both of them reading for you in a few months." Certainly, she had a healthy degree of skepticism.

    So by the end of 4 months, after completing the Children Learning Reading program, her older daughter was reading at a grade 2 level (reading age 7.3 years), and her younger daughter was reading at a grade 1 level (reading age 6.8 years). I can't embed videos in emails, so please head over to Jim's website, scroll down, and watch the short video posted under "Success Story #3". There, you see just how well her older daughter was reading by the end of 4 months, plus follow-up videos several months and one year later showing their amazing progress.

    Click Here to Watch Video (See Success Story #3)

    The Initial Reading Assessment

    At the start of the reading camp, there is a quick reading assessment. The younger girl A. S. did not need an assessment as being just 2 year 11 months old, she did not know any letters or sounds, yet. The older sister P. S. knew most of the alphabet letter names and "sounds", but she was pronouncing some of the sounds incorrectly.

    No surprises there, as almost every single child that attends the reading camp are taught many phonemes incorrectly (!!), either at preschool or in Kindergarten. Such is the state of our education system.

    Learning to Read

    Being 3 years apart, there's a big difference in how quickly the older sister will learn compared to her younger sister. They start off with the Children Learning Reading program as usual, except after a few lessons, adjustments were made to accommodate for the different learning paces of the older sister and the younger sister.

    This system of teaching reading is a unique combination of synthetic phonics with phonemic awareness that produces amazing results in children of all ages. Obviously, one of the initial goals was to REALLY correct the incorrect sounds the older sister had learned in pre-school! She was starting kindergarten in September. After just the first week, the older sister P. S. caught on and was doing great with phonemic awareness activities such as blending and segmenting. Little A. S., being a lot younger, took about 2.5 weeks before she started catching on.


    Parminder S.

    >> Learn more about Jim's super simple, logical, sequential system of teaching reading, please click here to watch a short video explaining his methods.


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