
Spring Happenings

It has been a long time since I posted, so I thought I should catch you up on what is going on with the Bailey Bunch.

We are already gearing up for summer. Sarah is planning a mission trip to Alaska through Global Expeditions. She has raised a little over half of her money, needing about $2,000 total. She has a blog that she is updating. Click; Alaska Trip Blog She has a great blog you will want to check on it.

Ashley is going to Honduras. She is needing to raise about $2200 for her trip. I will get more details for you soon.

I(Dana) is staying very busy with Mom2Mom. Our year is almost over & that is hard to believe! We have about 165 moms on our roster with about 100 coming faithfully. It has been exciting watching the Lord work in the lives of these moms as he draws them closer to Him.

Scott has a new job of looking for a new job. His real estate business is beyond slow, it is dead. With no closings since September, he has decided that it is time to look for something to bring in money until the real estate market picks up again. He is also open to starting something new if that is where the Lord is leading him. He has sent out at least 20 resume's and application in the past month with no leads so far. We know that the Lord already knows the direction we are to take, we are just waiting, trying to be patient until that next job comes about. Scott is having to look for a job for the first time in his life & it has proven to be a very exhausting & weary experience.

We are living on God's Manna. With barely an income coming in we have had to humble ourselves & accept financial help from friends & family, but we are so thankful to those who have been so generous in their giving to us. God continues to show us everyday His love for us through the blessings we receive from others. We draw our strength from his Word, without Him, we would surely falter in our faith.

Our school year is also coming to a close quickly. Ashley will be graduating in May. That is hard to believe! We hope to be able to give her a special party with family & friends to celebrate her achievements.

Hopefully, I will remember to update more often. Things have been crazy around here with Mom2Mom & Scott looking for work & I forget to update the blogs.

Take Care!

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