
May is here!

Can't believe that May is already here. I have been so busy that I have not had time to blog at all.

Sarah is still busy taking pictures. She worked for a few weeks at a Studio in McKinney, but that didn't work out. The lady moved her business back home & let Sarah go. Now Sarah is trying to find victims clients to take pictures of. We had her do our family pic last week. What do you think?



The Boys with Scott

the girls

The Girls with me

May is full of closing out our school year & my Mom2Mom year. It is hard to believe that another year is already over.

Mom2Mom went really well this year. We ended our year with a special Tea for the Moms & their guest.

dana_kerithHere I am with my Co-Leader, Kerith Leffler. She is amazing & has talents beyond me. She has become a very good friend that I will treasure for years to come. We had about 140 moms come to the Tea. Our Heart Warmers (older mentoring moms) decorated 16 tables & prepared most of the food. And if that wasn't enough, they served the moms their Tea & food.
guest_table Here is one of the tables. The all looked this pretty with fresh flowers in the center & beautiful china at each setting.
m2m_tea09 002

Here is the room, all ready for the moms on the morning of the Tea, May 1st.

The first week of May also marks the end of AWANA at our church. Gracie, Zach & Ben all participated this year. Josh helped with games. He was asked to play the part of Sparky during the AWANA closing ceremonies.

Here is Josh. He stayed just like in the picture the whole time he was on stage. People said he was the tallest Sparky they had ever seen. :o)

Here is Gracie with her Cubbies group just before they sang. She is the one smiling in the center of everyone else.


Here is Zach with his group. He wasn't much for memorizing the verses, but he has fun where ever he goes.


The biggest event for us in May is Ashley turning 18 & graduating. Her birthday was on Mother's Day.


The Seniors were recognized in our church last Sunday in both services. Pastor Chuck presented each Senior with his last book. It isn't even in stores yet. The pictures are a little out of order. Sorry!

senior sunday ashley

seniors sunday


We are having a small get together for Ashley, June 7th. I will have more pics after that to show how much fun we had celebrating Ashley's graduation.

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