
No Weeping or Misery~Our First Day of School

I had not planned on starting back to school until September, but when some of the kids found out that their friends were starting back to school, they wanted to start also. Ugh! I was not totally ready. I don’t have everything yet & didn’t have it all planned out the way I wanted to. But who am I to tell my kids they cannot start school?

So, yesterday was our first day. Of course I couldn’t get up as early as I wanted to get up, but it was before nine o’clock.

I had enough time to catch a quick glimpse at my devotional book before Sam (the almost 3 yr old) found me and wanted breakfast. I opened the book, hoping for a great encouraging word from the Lord. Something like, “I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10) or “I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:8)

My devotional started off by saying, “I have seen the misery of my people” ( Exodus 3:7)

I thought, “oh no God! What kind of day am I about to have? Maybe it get’s better.” So I kept reading.

When Jesus saw her weeping and saw the other people wailing with her, he was moved with indignation and was deeply troubled. I am overwhelmed, and you alone know the way I should turn. (Daily Light by Tyndale. August 24th reading)

“Ok God, this is not funny!” I thought.

I managed to get everyone up & eating breakfast before 9:00 for the first time all summer. Scott gathered us all together in the Living Room for prayer. Then he & 2 of the boys left for work and the rest of us got busy.

Things went pretty well.

Here is Morgan listening to music(she says it is classical) while she works on her grammar. This is her 9th grade year. She was excited to be in high school until she saw her lesson page.

Sarah wouldn’t let me take her picture so she took a picture of her books on her bed. She is in 11th grade this year.

Here are 3 of the boys that I keep at the kitchen table with me so I can help them & keep a closer eye on them. Austin is in 6th grade this year, Ben is in 4th & Zachary is 2nd.

Here is Sam. He will be 3 the 2nd week of September. He just wanted his picture made too so he jumped up.

And here is Gracie. She is almost 5. She is holding our neighbors lizard. We were lizard-sitting for them while they were out of town.

Gracie is doing some kindergarten work this year and she is thrilled to be added to the roster.

We had everything done by noon. There was no weeping or misery like my devotional caused me to think would be and I didn't even have to retreat to my closet for an emergency time of prayer and chocolate! Of course we are only doing a few subjects. Experience has taught me that even though the kids are eager to get to their new books, we only do half our schedule until September. After our September birthdays(7th, 8th, 10th & 13th) we will add the rest of the subjects. Maybe in a later post I will tell you what all we are doing this year. God was so good to provide almost all my curriculum for free this year!

The kids are glad to be back. That is such a blessing to me. Their friends were not excited about going back to school, but mine were. That is one of the blessings of homeschooling, we enjoy learning!

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