
A few of my favorites

Do you have favorites? I do.

My favorite drink is a vanilla Dr.Pepper from Sonic. I don't get them very often, but when I do it is so yummy. I tried for a long time not to drink soda's & I did a pretty good job of it, but I couldn't stay away completely.

My favorite food is chocolate. Yes, I say it is a food, not just a snack. I tease people that dark chocolate has kept me out of therapy, but it isn't really a joke. Many years ago I struggled with depression & someone mentioned dark chocolate. I found that it actually worked for me. It some how clears my mind enough to recognize what is going on. It also helps to calm an anxious mind. When I am nervous or upset, dark chocolate will help.

I love music. I love to listen to it, sing it, worship with it, pray it! I love it. I put a playlist together on of songs that I can work to. These are my favorite songs. Some are worship songs, some are classical songs...I like variety. Here is my playlist.

I love blogs! I love reading what my friends are up to. I have several friends who I go to church with and they keep great blogs. I will read things there that I didn't know about them.

I have a bunch of favorite blogs that I try to visit fairly often. One blog in particular is Grasshopper Momma. Mary is a young mom with 3 kids who has been married for 4 yrs. Her blog is so honest, practical, cute & informative. She loves the Lord and she loves being a mom. She is a great encourager to my teenage girls at church and I can always trust her council to them.

Another blog that I really enjoy is a devotional blog, Selah~Pause, Ponder & Praise
My friend Laura is a mother of 3 who has a passion to share her love of worship with other women through her writings. She is a new friend to me, but has become an already cherished beloved in my life.

Another favorite of mine is A Holy Experience. I do not know Ann, [the author] personally, but through her blog I feel as though I do know her. Her words are so inspiring, intriguing and intuitive! She loves the Word and you can tell she studies it with a passion.

holy experience

I love studying the Word. Don't you? I love the new mysteries that are revealed every time I dig into it. I love how I can read a scripture that I was taught as a child and it come alive in a whole new way. I have found a few resources online that I like to use when I am studying.

Some of my favorites are...

Bible Gateway is great for searching for a scripture or key word. It also has commentaries available. is a great place to go for articles and Bible Studies. It is full of tools you need to study the Word. I love how I can go there and get free audio's of some of my favorite women teachers like Vickie Kraft & Gwynne Johnson.

Do you have any favorites you can share with me?


  1. Well, I have got the biggest grin on my face! Thank YOU!!! And I lOvE your new blog look. Wowzer, girl. You could do this for a living! I guess you're already a little busy tho. Thanks again!

  2. Hi Dana! I love reading blogs too. And Grasshopper Momma is one of my favorites too (duh!). :) I wish I was a good writer like Mary. My blog is more of a scrapbook then I "diary". I learn so much from the honesty that people put in their blogs. I love reading yours!!


I'd love to know what you think or just share your heart with me, but please be courteous & gracious to others. I reserve the right to remove any comments I think are inappropriate.