
This is what it is all about!

My 2nd oldest daughter went to our church preteen camp as a counselor. She had 10 6th grade girls to keep up with, pray with, lead in Bible study and just have a great time with. She had a blast. There was one girl in particular that really touched my daughter's heart. Her name was Sarah. She trusted Christ that week as her Lord & Savior. Sarah(my daughter) had the pleasure of praying with her when she told the Lord how much she loved him and needed his forgiveness for all her sins. Sarah said it was one of the sweetest & most confidant prayers she had ever heard a new believer pray.

Below is what she posted as her Facebook status the day after they returned from camp. I just had to share it with you. Pray for Sarah as she begins a new life with her Jesus!

There is one thing I would like to announce to you all. I have made a life changing experience the one week which has changed me forever. For a long time, I have always thought the wrong doing I've done was all my fault, and that I've had something wrong with myself. I would sometimes cry myself to sleep every time I would get mad, and think, "why did God put me this way?" So things started changing for me. I started talking insulting, and having a bad attitude. So after a while, after I found out my gramma was about to die, I thought "no, God couldn't be real." And then I came to Stonebriar church camp, the place that changed my whole life and my... perspective of God. I suddenly felt so apologetic to God of how i treated him, and that if I believe in him, i will not perish. I met the most amazing people there, and I became friends with the most wonderful person: Jesus Christ. He is there for everyone no matter one, and he loves everyone no matter what. He died on the cross for US!!!!!!!!! amazing! I just want to thank Pastor Joe, my counselor (the awesomest one) Ms.Sarah Bailey, my cousin, cabin mates, and my friend Emi who has been there for every step of the way. God bless you all!

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