
It's Birthday Week!

This week in September is a really busy week for our family. 4 of our 10 kids were born in September and 3 of those were born 3 years in a row.

Today is Morgan's birthday. She has turned 15. The bottom pic is her 10th birthday I think, but I'm not sure. The 2nd pic was taken this past Saturday. Morgan has the best laugh and can be heard from all around. She loves to help and serve others. She began babysitting more this past year and has become the favorite sitter of several families. We are proud of the spiritual maturity we have seen in Morgan over the past year. Jesus is her personal Lord & Savior and friend.

Josh's birthday is tomorrow. He will be 16. So today, Josh & Morgan are both 15. I think I brought Morgan home on his 1st birthday.

This picture of Josh was taken after we had picked up Ashley at the airport after her mission trip to Puerto Rico. He was acting silly like he always does. Tomorrow, I may post a few pics of just how silly he can be.

But in all seriousness, he has come a long way in a year. Josh has always had a very strong will and challenged us from the time he could crawl. But, he loves the Lord and we have seen him grow in his relationship with God by making some very tough decisions this year.

He has taken a stand for what is right among a peer group that doesn't know right from wrong. He understands that others are watching him, knowing he claims to be a Christian and he is serious now about setting a good example for others to follow.

Here is a pic of Sarah & Josh when they were 1 & 2 yrs old. Thursday will be Sarah's 17th birthday. She is our child who cannot stay home. She is always looking for a place to go. She has a heart for missions and is hoping that the Lord will take her and her camera on the mission field. She loves to take pictures and is hoping to have her own photography business.
She loves to study the Bible and discuss theology.

And then there is Sam. Samuel Addison is our baby.

Here is Sam and Morgan a few weeks ago. Sam will be 3 on the 13th. He is still our youngest with no more coming as of now. Sam is a joy. He is a very happy little boy. He is all boy, but can play babies with Gracie also. We are so thankful for Sam and the laughter that he brings to our house!

Let the cake eating begin!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, what a week, girl! I would need a tow truck to pick me up after all that cake! (Cake is my HUGE weakness).

    Happy birthday to all, and peace to mom and dad!


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