
My Kids

Can you remember when you held your first baby when they were fresh from your tummy(if your a mom that is). Or if you adopted your child, I'm sure you can still remember that first moment of looking directly into their eyes. That is something you just don't forget!

Moments like that are special to savor. Even though I have delivered 10 children, I still remember that first moment with them. It is a sweet memory that I love to ponder on. Sometimes I look at my big 'ole teenagers and can't believe that they are old enough to be called teenagers. Where did the time go?

My previous blog post told you that this week is our birthday week. So far we have 2 down & 2 more to go. Today is our break from the fun. It is always fun celebrating our kids on their birthday.

My second oldest daughter, Sarah will turn 17 tomorrow. She is my "can't-wait-to-spread-my-wings" child. She loves photography & hopes to have her own business & hopefully go on the mission field with her camera.

She has a great blog that displays some of the pictures that she has taken. She did some great pics of her siblings this past summer. Go to her blog to see her pics of the kids.

Her blog is called Through My Eyes.

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