When you homeschool your children you soon realize that life around you doesn't change really. Things still happen. People still get sick, jobs are still lost, deaths still occur. Life doesn't stop so that you can have plenty of time to devote to your children.
You learn to roll with the punches. Over time I have seen the beauty in homeschooling with flexiblity. If we need to stop for a little while during a crisis we can. If money gets tight (which is almost always) I learn other ways to get the lessons taught. If I get sick or one of the children gets really sick, we can rest for a few days and then jump back in.
Our school has become the one constant thing that we can always count on. No matter what is going on around us, no matter how great the storm becomes, we can always have the normality of school in our life. When we are crying out for a normal life again, our school is there. It keeps us together, it keeps us connected, it provides that safe haven during the storm.
God promised that there would be storms. He also told us how to get through them..."Remember I am God, and there is no other" (Isaiah 46:9) Read the whole chapter, it is full of his promises and reminders that there is no one else who can rescue us, only Him.
When the storms come, we must remember that he is God, our Creator, our Sustainer and there is none like him. We must teach this to our children and live it out in front of them. When our lives are based on this truth, our schools are based on this truth and it will remain constant even through the storms of life.