
What if Essential Oils are not a Fad?

So, what do you think? 
Are essential oils a fad? After all, there are quite a few famous people who have caught on to them. 

So what is the big deal about these little bottles of liquid?

Anyone who knows me well, knows our family has used essential oils for many years.  In fact, I placed my first order December 2004 with Young Living. Our naturopath had suggested an oil blend to support our son's respiratory system. It did such a great job that I just had to know what it was! We were already using herbs and homeopathic ways to support our health. I was thrilled to find out that the essential oils were simply a much more potent form of the herbs I loved to use! I had 3 reasons to love them.

1.  They worked quicker than the herbs and proving to be more effective.
2.  I didn't have to buy or use as much which means I saved money.
3. I could get them delivered to my door and as a mom of a lot of little kids, that was a huge score!

Over 10 years later, our family has incorporate YL products into basically every aspect of our lives. I love that my kids reach for essential oils before they reach for anyone else to support their health.  I love that after my son works out & comes looking for essential oils to soothe his sore muscles. I love that while my father in law was battling cancer, the Young Living supplements and Ningxia Red juice helped to keep his immune system so strong that he experienced no side effects from the treatments and he had plenty of energy to live life as he normally does.

Ok, but still...what is all the rage all of a sudden? I mean, I fell in love with these products over a decade ago, what is the big deal all of a sudden?

Social Media!

Yep, plain and simple. Word spread super fast, like a grass fire and BAM! Before we knew it, everyone else wanted in on the oily goodness.

So, some may say that this is a fad and in some ways, it probably is. People try them out and then stop. That is so sad to me.
I did that. I used my favorite 8 oils for a few years and then I stopped. The reason is that I didn't understand the difference between Young Living and the oils I could get in the stores. It didn't take me long to smell a difference. And it didn't take me long to experience a difference.  And when I had a true need for the oils, those store bought ones just didn't cut it.

When I returned to Young Living oils, I learned of the difference. It is called Seed to Seal. You can read more about this here.  But, the short of it is unlike any other essential oil company, Young Living has complete control of the entire production process of the essential oils. From the seed that is put into the ground to the seal put on the bottle just before it ships out to you, Young Living controls every step.  The reason they do this is because they want to ensure that the oil in that bottle is of the most pure therapeutic grade quality possible.

So, let's play the "What if" game.

What if, I'm not crazy for using essential oils in our family? Because I have been accused of it.

What if, I'm not crazy for taking a proactive health approach?  Is what you're doing working, because what I'm doing is working.

What if, none of my kids needing a prescription for the last 4 years isn't a coincidence? Many years ago I knew the pharmacist by name & he knew mine.

What if, it's possible to support the immune system with something just a little outside the box of the western school of thought?

What if, you could purchase over $300 worth of these said products for $160?

What if, you could get your money BACK through the referral program?

What if, you could make a little money in the process?

What if, you could change your family's financial destiny?

What if essential oils are not a fad, but are one way God has given us to be healthy so that we can live the life he has purposed us to live?

Any of that, in fact, all of that, is possible.

I rarely blog about our business, but allow me just this one post today.
Today is a great day to get started, but each day is a great day to start. I'd like to ask you that if you aren't going to choose today, why are you waiting?
The cycle you're in can only change if you change what you're doing. It's time to start. I can help.
Monday is Cyber Monday and Young Living is said to have some pretty amazing specials, but there's a catch. Only YL members can take advantage of these special deals.  I don't know what these deals are yet, but as soon as I find out I will be posting on my Facebook Business page, Dynamic Life.
If you are ready to make a change, I can help you get started. I'm not a trained professional in the field of medicine or aromatherapy, but I am a mom who has personally used these products for a long time and I will walk with you, help answer your questions and direct you as best I can.
For the next few days, I am offering anyone who becomes a YL member an extra special offer. Everyone who joins Young Living using my referral number receives one on one product support and a packet of information to help you get started. But if you join with my by Monday, I will reimburse for your shipping and tax as well.

If you are interested, send me this text to 903.502.0135, "I follow your blog, I am ready to get started with YL today!" or you can email me.  Or if you are still not sure, visit my website by clicking the "Essential Oils" tab at the top of the page. You can also contact me via the website.


Time to Stop, Rest and be Thankful.

It's Thanksgiving Eve.

Chocolate Meringue Pies are in the fridge along with the Orange Cranberry sauce. Pecan pies are on the buffet where more desserts will be added tomorrow.

Turkey is about to go into the roaster and my list of side dishes is posted on the fridge so that I don't forget any.

Thanksgiving Day is our family's favorite holiday. We love it because there are no expectations for gifts. Just come and eat with us and let's have a great day together as we remember how faithful the Lord has been this year to us.

So, you want the honest truth? This has been a really hard year! I am not going to dress this up. It's been really hard. And it is often difficult to remember the good things that happened.

It's been a hard year for my business.  It's been a hard year for my husband who worked 2 jobs most of the year. It's been a hard year for my Father in law as he battled cancer. It's been a hard year for my father as his health is not good and doctors can't seem to find any relief for him. It's been a hard year for my daughter who struggled with anxiety and depression. It's been a hard year for 2 of my sons with their jobs. It's just been a really hard year!

In History, Sam, Gracie and I have been studying Early American History. Last month we were reading about the Pilgrims who spent 3 months on the Mayflower in pursuit of a life of freedom from England.  Once they landed they were not ready for what was about to happen. On the ship, only one person died on the trip. That was remarkable. But when they began trying to make a new life for themselves, they realized just how difficult things would be.

I'm sure you know the story. Thanks to the help of Samoset & Squanto, the Pilgrims learned how to farm, and hunt. The Pilgrims were so thankful for the help of these Native Americans and for the new life they had made for themselves, they devoted a day away from work to spend time together giving thanks to God for his provision and protection. But wait... It was a hard year!  This is why they set aside one day to rest and be thankful!

What happens when we are thankful?

We are more hopeful of the future. I know my God is faithful. I know that the trials we experienced this year were not in vain. I know that whatever he allows next year may also be hard, but He will still be there just like he was this year.

We are energized and empowered. There is just something about choosing to say, "I'm thankful for this". It is choosing an attitude of joy. That gives us strength.

We are healthier.  Grateful people experience fewer aches and pains and they report feeling healthier than other people, according to a 2012 study published in Personality and Individual Differences.  We also sleep better and are less stressed.

Of course the Pilgrims didn't have scientific studies showing them why they needed to stop for a day and rest. But, we know the benefits of it.

I'm so glad we have a day like Thanksgiving that forces us to stop and spend time with our family and friends. Time to focus on what the Lord has done for us and how we are blessed.

So, yes...this past year has been hard. But a quick scroll through my Facebook pictures reminded me of the many blessings we experienced as well.

Sarah came home from the Philippines early. That was an awesome blessing!

Sam went to Children's camp for the first time and loved every minute of it!

We kept Brody, my grandson, everyday for several months until his parents found another daycare for him. I love that!

My kids all have good jobs right now!

My husband is only having to work one job & even though it is extremely hard on his body, the Lord is using it to provide for us.

My Father in law found out this week that he is cancer free!

So yes, it has been a hard year, but God is good and we are thankful for the many ways he has blessed us.

Ok, so I'm off to get my Turkey in the roaster!

I pray you have a very Happy Thanksgiving with your family!!