Today is my daddy’s birthday. I have a great dad & I am so thankful God chose to make me his daughter.
I have great memories with my dad when I was younger. From fishing to taking me out on my first date. I challenged my dad’s patience on many occasions & rarely remember him raising his voice in anger to me.
I learned many lessons from my dad that continue to help me even today.
As a pastor, my dad was “on-call” all the time, even on his day’s off. There were many times I remember him getting up in the middle of the night to go to the hospital or to meet with a church member in trouble or having to leave in the middle of a meal. Dad loved to work on projects at home, but often those projects would have to wait until someone was out of surgery or a conflict was resolved.
More than giving of his time to others, my dad gave of his possessions. If my parents found out about someone in need, they would always give what they could to help. I remember a few years ago during a visit to their house, I noticed that the sleeper sofa I grew up with was missing. When I asked where it was Dad told me they gave it to a family who had no furniture. It was normal for people of the community to show up at my parents home needing help. Mom & Dad, without hesitation would give what food, blankets or other things they could.
I hope that I am passing this on to my children. Stuff isn’t important, but our relationship with others is.
Speaking the Truth
As a pastor, my dad taught the Bible, not his own philosophy or idea’s. I grew up knowing that the Word of God is the foundation for my belief’s & not to trust the teachings of others, but line them up with the Word. This is how my dad taught.
He also mentored & counseled many over the years & they didn’t always hear what they wanted to hear from my dad. He spoke the truth to them, he didn’t tickle their ears with fluffy encouragement. He encouraged them in the Word to be who God created them to be.
As a speaker, I pray often that God would give me the boldness to teach His truth and not waiver in the philosophies of the world. It is easy to tell your audience what they want to hear, make them feel more comfortable where they are. I want to be the kind of speaker, like my Dad, who teaches the truth, knowing it is up to the listeners if they will hear and obey.
Go into all the world
Evangelism has always been a passion for my dad (& mom). they have been to several countries sharing the gospel and helping others. My dad spent countless hours in living rooms sharing with people about the love of God and their need for his salvation. My dad loves people. He will talk to anyone about almost anything and the conversation almost always will end with “Do you love Jesus?”. He always wants to make sure they have had an opportunity to know Jesus.
A passion has been evolving in my heart over the past few years for people, specifically moms raising young children. My desire is to share with moms the importance of knowing Jesus, not just about him, but knowing him personally. I want moms to know my Jesus the way I know him. My dad never feared confronting someone with the gospel & my prayer is that God will give me the same confidence.
Above all else my dad has taught me through his life, I think his faith has taught me more about God than any other lesson. God allowed our family to experience some difficult times when I was a pre-teen. I was old enough to recognize my dad’s unwavering faith that in spite of what was going on, God would take care of us. Little did I know how my dad’s faith would be the example I needed to develop my own faith in God. The past several years have been the most difficult ever for our family as God has continued to allow our family to struggle financially. I learned from my dad what it looks like to look at an impossible situation & know that because of God anything is possible.
I know I am blessed to have a daddy who loves the Lord and loves my mom more now than ever. I just hope he knows how much he is loved.
1Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
2but his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.