
Why I am on Facebook

Several years ago our teenagers asked to get on Facebook.  I didn't want to let them because I knew it would increase their computer time & mine too.  If I let my kids on there then I would get on Facebook as well to keep an eye on their activity.  I had no idea what it would become for me.

2 years later, here I am...still on Facebook, but not just to keep up with my kids.  It isn't about letting people know what I'm preparing for dinner (even though I get some real good idea's from my friends).  It isn't about having the most friends.  It isn't even about keeping up with my friends (even though I love that part).  It has become more than that for me.  I post scripture that is encouraging me and keeping my heart above my circumstances.  I post links that help me to better understand difficult spiritual concepts or that encourage me.  Through my little updates, I share a little bit of myself.
But there are days when I really wonder why I am even messing with Facebook.  I occasionally will get in a discussion with someone who believes differently than I do.  I don't know why I do this.  It often brings me down.
I was contemplating getting off of Facebook.
Lord, I can think of many other ways to encourage others than through Facebook. It is just a social networking waste of time.
And then I got this note...

I just wanted to thank you for all of your brilliant posts throughout the day. I have been having a crazy time and I have found solace and comfort through many of your posts. I am not sure if you get a lot of thanks so I just wanted to let you know that you are definitely ministering to me and I really appreciate it! Have a great day! Thanks again!

It touched my heart. It touched my heart because this note came from a  school mate of whom I even forgot I was friends with on Facebook.  I never see her on & never hear from her.  I know nothing of what is going on in her life.
The next day at church, someone caught me in passing and thanked me for being such a big encouragement in her life through Facebook.

I'm not writing this to toot my own horn.  I definitely am not doing that!  I am writing this to encourage you to be aware of how the Lord can use you in ways you don't even realize to minister to the heart of others.

I post things on Facebook for myself, because it encourages me not knowing how it could encourage others.  Yes, you can comment on someone's post, but those who thanked me for encouraging them NEVER comment on my page.  I had no idea they ever read anything I wrote.  Knowing this, also makes me more aware of how my posts affect others.

So, now I remain on Facebook praying that my words will encourage others to seek a deeper relationship with Christ.  I hope that when I share a scripture that it will touch the heart of someone needing it at that moment.  I love how God can use something even like Facebook to reach the heart of others.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
