
My New Adventure

Have you ever wrestled with God concerning something you don't want to do, but you know he is telling you to do it?

Yep!  Me too.

Remember the posts last year I wrote about surrendering to God?  I just thought I had surrendered.  He had more.

No, he didn't make me stop eating chocolate.  It isn't that bad. :)

There is a part of my life I rarely, if ever blog about.  It isn't that it is too personal, I just never thought this was the right place to write about it.

I never write about my family's health and how we use essential oils to stay healthy.  But God has taken me in a new direction that sometimes I still don't want to go, but I have to admit it is pretty cool to watch him at work.

Young Living is the company we have always bought our oils from.  For 10 years we have used essential oils from them & even when I thought they were too expensive so I bought a cheaper brand I always went back.

Essential oils are amazing. They are alive.  They are the life blood of the plants they are extracted from and when in our blood stream they have amazing qualities and can do unbelievable things.

Young Living is a MLM company and for some that is a turn off.  I never cared either way.  All I knew is that if I spent $50 a year I could get the products at the wholesale price and that is all I wanted.  Recently the Lord turned it into more.  It isn't about me and my family any more.  It has become about others and helping them learn how they too can be healthier.  Don't worry, I'm not trying to recruit you. (But contact me if you are interested in knowing more)

The Lord told me to make myself available & tell others how I use the oils & leave the rest to him and that is ALL I have done.  The result?  He is using Young Living to help provide for us financially.  I don't think you understand how huge this is for me.  I have attempted to "make money" with other companies many times before and never made a penny.  In fact I usually gave my products away or sold them at my cost.  So, when I decided to do this I never thought it would work.  I argued with the Lord for a few days.  I told him of all the reasons why I can't do this & how it will never work.  All of a sudden I felt like Moses when God told him to go back to his people.  I felt very inadequate & unqualified.

This is more to me than selling oils...because I'm not selling oils...OK, I am, but it doesn't feel like it.  When friends come to me with serious health concerns and they trust me to help them find answers, I take that very seriously.  Who am I to take this on?  The Lord keeps reminding me I am His and He will equip me.  So, I am reading, listening to audio, watching YouTube videos and reading some more educating myself on basic Biology and the amazing benefits of using Essential Oils.

I don't just have a down line after only a few months of working this as a business, but I am getting paid...a a very short amount of time & I have to tell you that I am totally shocked!  It's totally the Lord doing this because honestly I'm not out there beating down doors & asking people to smell my oils.  He is bringing people to me...and he is bringing people I have never mentioned any of this too.  Totally cool!!

Ok, so why am I telling you this?  Well, I have been trying to be a better blogger & post more regularly but of course I haven't.  So, I am stepping away from the blog for just a little while so I can get my new website set up for the oils.  I have a website;  Please check it out...and you will soon realize why I am calling it a temporary one.  But it still has good info on it.  I have put this off for a long time because frankly I don't have time to do this, but I really need to make time.  The Lord is using this to provide money for us so I need to do my best at using the resources before me.

I am excited to see what the Lord does with this.  I hope you are too.