I think I spent at least 2 days printing. I almost wore out my printer & ran out of paper.
We started by spending some time reading & discussing Psalm 100. It's a short chapter, but packed with great things. My older kids are doing a short inductive type study on this chapter. Tomorrow we will discuss what they learned. I can't wait to hear from them.
I read one of my many history-type books about the Pilgrims & we talked about what it would be like to live on a boat for 66 days with over 100 people, then try to survive in a new land.
2 of my favorite books are; Samuel Eaton's Day by Kate Waters & On the Mayflower also by Kate Waters.
Some of the activities I collected for the kids to do were crossword puzzles, word search, simple crafts & copy work. My oldest one (10y) participating in this is writing a Thanksgiving Day comedy. We'll see how that comes out. My younger ones are copying scripture, prayers & writing their own prayers & lists of blessings. And of course for my 4 & 6 yr old there is plenty of coloring, cutting & glue going on.
For their copy work, I used the notebook pages from Notebookingpages.com. She also had some great coloring pages.
I also found some cute stuff at Christian Preschool Printables also at abcteach.com
Tomorrow we will finish up & assemble our books. Some will have more than others, but that is o'k. I've tried to make it as fun as I can while also teaching them the importance of being thankful, not just this week, but all year long.
It's not much, but it has kept them busy while focusing on the many blessing God has granted us this year.